22:00 <@benzea> so, hello everyone 22:02 <@benzea> Cimi, klepas, hbons, thos, and whoever else :-) 22:02 < hbons> oh yeah, hi 22:03 <@benzea> well, I think this will be very short 22:03 <@benzea> the only thing on my list is the GettingStarted page in the wiki 22:03 <@benzea> there is a link to http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt/GetInvolved on http://live.gnome.org/GnomeArt 22:03 <@benzea> but the page does not even exist :-/ 22:04 < hbons> i think we should make a page that talks art, and not the ugly gnome.org wiki:) 22:05 <@benzea> maybe :-) 22:05 <@benzea> but I am also wondering what kind of information needs to be there 22:05 <@Cimi> benzea: is there a meeting around there now? 22:05 <@benzea> and how we can help people to get involved in the end 22:05 <@benzea> Cimi: yes :-) 22:06 <@Cimi> ok 22:06 <@benzea> Cimi: feel free to stay around ;-) 22:07 <@Cimi> so I want better gnomeicon folders and I'd like to ask some guys from interface lift to use their photos as wallpapers 22:08 < hbons> Cimi: better folder icon in g-i-t? 22:08 <@benzea> Cimi: can we get back to that later? I would like to first talk a bit about the GetInvolved stuff, so that we can get that up 22:09 <@Cimi> hbons: I know that are tastes, but I don't like the default ones 22:09 < hbons> Cimi: i agree with you 22:09 <@Cimi> too flat and with a simple color 22:09 < hbons> it doesn' look like a folder to me 22:10 <@Cimi> benzea: ok 22:10 <@benzea> hehe, ok :-) 22:10 <@benzea> any ideas what to put on the page? 22:11 <@benzea> maybe a list of areas that one can work one? a list/links to some easy tasks? 22:11 < hbons> i think it's mostly the same as the main page? 22:12 <@benzea> hm, maybe, just drop the page ;-) 22:12 < hbons> :) 22:14 < hbons> we should have contests more often 22:14 < hbons> maybe also for gtkthemes 22:17 <@benzea> hm, IIRC the splash screen contest we once had did not work out that well 22:19 <@benzea> so, I did put the get involved page on the list for today, because I do not know what to tell people that drop by and want to help 22:19 <@benzea> which happened a week ago 22:19 <@Cimi> benzea: read my blog entry 22:20 <@Cimi> for comments 22:20 <@benzea> which ones? 22:20 <@benzea> s/ones/one/ 22:20 <@Cimi> http://www.cimitan.com/blog/2008/08/18/join-the-development-of-gnome-art-themes/ 22:23 < klepas> hey :) 22:23 <@benzea> hello :-) 22:23 < hbons> i think we could get a lot of good people if we do something like "do you want to be an important part of defining the look of gnome 3.0?" 22:24 < hbons> instead of this small slow evolutionary process we have now 22:24 <@benzea> hbons: hm, that is true 22:25 -!- baze [~baze@g227016226.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ex-Chat] 22:25 < hbons> we need to define some kind of roadmap 22:25 < hbons> with dates 22:26 < hbons> because now we are just slugging along, and things don't really get done 22:26 <@benzea> yup 22:26 * hbons is guilty:) 22:26 * benzea too ;-) 22:27 <@benzea> so, anyone up for the task of working on a roadmap for GNOME 3.0 theme(s) ;-) 22:27 < hbons> i would, but i don't think it's someone i can decide on alone 22:28 <@Cimi> poke me again 22:28 <@Cimi> I'm on the sofa 22:28 <@benzea> hbons: I think it would be great if you can think about it a bit; ie. what steps are neccessary, etc. 22:28 < hbons> yeah 22:28 <@benzea> how would eg. GUADEC next year fit into it, etc. 22:28 < hbons> good idea 22:29 < hbons> i will make a draft and propose it for the next meeting 22:29 <@benzea> hbons: cool, thank you! 22:30 <@benzea> maybe I'll look over the wiki pages in the next couple of days, and shuffle things around 22:31 <@benzea> I am mostly thinking of splitting the art.gnome.org stuff into a sub-page 22:31 <@benzea> and probably removing parts of it 22:32 <@benzea> well, OK 22:32 <@benzea> Cimi: pokie 22:32 <@benzea> I think we can leave this here, and move on to anything you guys want to discuss :-) 22:32 <@Cimi> benzea: back 22:32 <@Cimi> as said 22:32 <@Cimi> I don't like gnome folders 22:32 <@benzea> (oh, I'll remove the Get Involved link for now) 22:34 <@Cimi> hbons: you're the master of all the icons 22:34 < hbons> Cimi: ? i think you mean jimmac:) 22:35 <@Cimi> hbons: jimmac doesn't want to change gnome icons 22:35 <@Cimi> he said they are perfect 22:35 < hbons> it think g-i-t is too boring 22:35 <@Cimi> ultra boring 22:35 <@Cimi> neither jimmac uses them 22:36 <@Cimi> he use opensuse's icon theme 22:36 < hbons> i even increase saturation on tango icons right now, even those colors seem dull now 22:36 < hbons> but Mango is getting better 22:36 <@Cimi> totally true 22:36 <@Cimi> but folders are blue... 22:36 <@Cimi> I would prefer other colors 22:37 <@Cimi> like foxtrot :) 22:37 < hbons> yeah 22:37 < hbons> foxtrot is nice 22:37 < hbons> specially the folder icon 22:37 <@Cimi> I mean the folder icon 22:37 <@Cimi> i love that color 22:37 < hbons> me too 22:37 <@Cimi> it is the color that fits better with a wide range of themes 22:37 <@Cimi> you can use with bright or dark themes 22:38 <@Cimi> monochromatic or colored themes 22:38 <@Cimi> it fits really well 22:38 <@Cimi> benzea: could you write a mail to send to a list of few guys who uploaded some walpapers on interface lift? 22:39 <@Cimi> because my english sux compared to yours 22:39 <@benzea> Cimi: and I have no idea what to write, nor am I that intrested in wallpapers :-) 22:39 <@Cimi> please 22:39 <@Cimi> you're great in dimplomacy =) 22:40 < hbons> wasn't andreasn on that already? 22:40 <@Cimi> hbons: I have found better walls 22:40 <@Cimi> I would like to include somewhere 22:40 <@Cimi> maybe in gnome-themes-extras 22:41 <@Cimi> http://cimitan.com/bookmarks.html 22:41 <@Cimi> these are free, I want to ask permissions 22:43 <@Cimi> benzea: please 22:44 <@benzea> Cimi: maybe we can make a deal? you write a draft, and I look over it ;-) 22:44 <@Cimi> oh wonderful 22:45 <@Cimi> I will take a look @ 00:30 CEST 22:46 <@benzea> I guess it is not pressing, as any wallpaper change will probably only happen for 2.26 22:46 <@benzea> oh, are you done with your icon themes discussion? :-) 22:48 <@benzea> seems like it :-) 22:49 <@benzea> anything else or should we close with this? 22:49 <@benzea> ... I would suggest having the next meeting on the 10th October (same time) 22:49 <@Cimi> benzea: for 2.26 22:50 <@Cimi> or 2.24 gnome-themes-extras 22:50 <@Cimi> g-t-e is not a module 22:50 <@Cimi> I can do a release in middle october too 22:50 <@benzea> Cimi: ah, true, if it is part of gnome-themes-extras 22:51 <@benzea> Cimi: but you still need to give the translators some time 22:51 <@Cimi> benzea: of course 22:51 <@Cimi> btw 22:51 <@benzea> and I bet they are all busy right now ;-) 22:51 <@Cimi> take a look at those walls 22:52 <@benzea> to say the truth, I would like to leave soon :-) 22:52 <@benzea> but those wallpapers to look pretty good 22:52 <@Cimi> yeah 22:52 <@Cimi> I would love to have them in 22:52 <@Cimi> at least only few of theme 22:52 <@Cimi> *them 22:53 <@Cimi> that's why I need a special diplomatic email :) 22:53 <@Cimi> and that's why I asked you, benzea 22:53 <@benzea> I understand :-) 22:53 <@Cimi> so if you're going to leave feel free 22:54 <@Cimi> when you'll have more time, please write down 4 lines 22:54 < hbons> Cimi: try yourself, and post here first so we can check:) 22:54 <@Cimi> ok 22:54 <@Cimi> I'll do 22:54 <@benzea> anyone has checked that the date of the next meeting is fine ;-) 22:54 <@benzea> it is a friday too 22:54 <@Cimi> things will be better when vuntz will make the panel themable 22:54 < hbons> wow we had a record of 4 attendees this tme:)