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Status: Implementation in progress


GNOME 3.2 introduced a first version of the Documents application. The version shipped with 3.2 currently lacks some features described in the original Documents designs, which should be implemented for GNOME 3.4.

In particular:

In addition to these features, the design of the application has been refined in a number of ways, e.g. the sidebar is no longer there, the search entry has a lot more functionality, and selection is done as a separate mode.

Beyond the Documents application itself, it would be great to have the same documents show up in gnome-shell's search results, and launch gnome-documents from there.


Cosimo Cecchi

Involved Parties

Affected modules: gnome-documents, tracker, libgdata

For the gnome-shell part: Florian Muellner

Current Status

A design can be found here: Design/Apps/Documents.

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2024-10-23 11:47