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This is a draft for discussion.

What is GNOME

GNOME is collection of software modules that are combined to form a graphical desktop environment.

We also use the name GNOME for the project that is producing this software, which is backed by the GNOME foundation.

The GNOME foundation owns the trademark GNOME, and it is important that we know what we mean when we talk about GNOME.

What can be part of GNOME

The GNOME release team decides what modules are part of a GNOME release, and in wider sense, what modules are part of GNOME.

Criteria for being considered a part of GNOME

To be considered a part of GNOME, a module must satisfy some criteria.

GNOME consists of a large number of modules. Apart from the core of the desktop, it includes a large number of applications. Some of the applications are more closely integrated with the desktop than others.

What is part of the current GNOME release

The GNOME release team maintains the authoritative source of what they include in each GNOME release in the gnome-build-meta repository.

Core desktop

Core applications


2024-10-23 11:42