Vala Date and Time Sample
Requires GLib >= 2.26 (for the new DateTime API) and Vala >= 0.10
void main () {
// A DateTime from a Unix timestamp
int64 timestamp = 1234151912;
var time = new DateTime.from_unix_utc (timestamp);
// convert back to Unix timestamp
assert (time.to_unix () == timestamp);
// A DateTime from year, month, day, hour, minute, second
time = new DateTime.utc (2010, 10, 22, 9, 22, 0);
// The current time in local timezone
var now = new DateTime.now_local ();
print ("Is daylight savings time: %s\n", now.is_daylight_savings () ? "yes" : "no");
print ("The timezone abbreviation is: %s\n", now.get_timezone_abbreviation ());
// returns time in RFC 3339 format: 2010-10-21T23:48:03+0200
string date_string = now.to_string ();
print ("Current time in RFC 3339 format: %s\n", date_string);
// for example, according to the current locale
print ("According to the current locale: %s\n", now.format ("%x %X"));
print ("Day of month: %d\n", now.get_day_of_month ());
print ("Week of year: %d\n", now.get_week_of_year ());
// Add one day, three hours and five minutes to a DateTime:
var future = now.add_days (1).add_hours (3).add_minutes (5);
print (@"Plus one day, three hours and five minutes: $future\n");
$ valac datetime.vala $ ./datetime