Lua Sample
You should ensure that you have installed package lua-devel so that you could find /usr/lib/lua/ or /usr/lib64/lua/
using Lua;
int my_func (LuaVM vm) {
stdout.printf ("Vala Code From Lua Code! (%f)\n", vm.to_number (1));
return 1;
void main (string[] args) {
string code = """
print "Lua Code From Vala Code!"
var vm = new LuaVM ();
vm.open_libs ();
vm.register ("my_func", my_func);
vm.do_string (code);
Compile and Run
$ valac --pkg lua luatest.vala -o luatest $ ./luatest Lua Code From Vala Code! Vala Code From Lua Code! (33.000000)
Note: Some distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu install the pkg-config information for Lua under a wrong name. Here's a workaround:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua5.1.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/lua.pc
Alternatively, you can rename the vapi file.
Lua Table Sample
Based on Simple Lua Api Example from
using Lua;
void main () {
var vm = new LuaVM ();
vm.open_libs ();
// Create a Lua table with name 'foo'
vm.new_table ();
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
vm.push_number (i); // Push the table index
vm.push_number (i * 2); // Push the cell value
vm.raw_set (-3); // Stores the pair in the table
vm.set_global ("foo");
// Ask Lua to run our little script
vm.do_string ("""
-- Receives a table, returns the sum of its components.
io.write("The table the script received has:\n");
x = 0
for i = 1, #foo do
print(i, foo[i])
x = x + foo[i]
io.write("Returning data back to C\n");
return x
// Get the returned value at the top of the stack (index -1)
var sum = vm.to_number (-1);
stdout.printf ("Script returned: %.0f\n", sum);
vm.pop (1); // Take the returned value out of the stack
$ valac --pkg lua simplesample.vala -o simplesample $ ./simplesample