This page is heavily outdated and is in desperate need of an update
These steps have been tested with Ubuntu 10.10. Don't take them literally, they might need some adjustment depending on your environment.
* Remember to switch your username into /home/<username>/ in the instructions
Install jhbuild
- sudo apt-get install jhbuild
Copy default jhbuildrc under your home directory as .jhbuildrc
- cp /usr/share/jhbuild/jhbuild/defaults.jhbuildrc ~/.jhbuildrc
Update the .jhbuildrc to contain these:
- moduleset = 'gnome-apps-3.4'
- modules = [ 'meta-gnome-core', 'meta-gnome-apps-tested']
Setup the jhbuild deps
- jhbuild bootstrap
- jhbuild sanitycheck
Add GStreamer PPA
Install/upgrade gstreamer core, plugins-base/good/bad/ugly, tools + dev packages
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gstreamer-developers/ppa
Install dependencies
- sudo apt-get install tracker libgee-dev libsqlite3-dev libsoup2.4-dev uuid-dev xsltproc docbook-xsl gnome-common gtk-doc-tools valac
Build&Install GUPnP dependencies with jhbuild
- jhbuild buildone gssdp gupnp gupnp-av gupnp-dlna vala
Copy gee-1.0.vapi
Because prefix='$HOME/rygel' in .jhbuildrc, copy the gee-0.8.vapi to the right place
cp /usr/share/vala-0.10/vapi/gee-0.8.vapi /home/<username>/rygel/share/vala-0.12/vapi/
Cd into a directory for development
- cd ~/development
Get Rygel
- git clone git://
Get into the jhbuild shell
- jhbuild shell
Build and install Rygel
- cd rygel
- ./ --enable-uninstalled
- make
Exit the jhbuild shell
- exit
Run Rygel
- ~/development/rygel/src/rygel/rygel