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List of common errors for the module jhbuild.

Before building GNOME we have to check if the 'jhbuild' command works. Just run the command 'jhbuild list', it should return the list of the modules to build. Otherwise, you may see one of the following errors:

Error - Python xml packages are required but could not be found

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/guest/bin/jhbuild", line 5, in ?
    import jhbuild.main
  File "/home/guest/jhbuild/jhbuild/", line 26, in ?
    import jhbuild.commands
  File "/home/guest/jhbuild/jhbuild/commands/", line 20, in ?
    import base
  File "/home/guest/jhbuild/jhbuild/commands/", line 22, in ?
    import jhbuild.moduleset
  File "/home/guest/jhbuild/jhbuild/", line 29, in ?
    raise FatalError('Python xml packages are required but could not be found')
  jhbuild.errors.FatalError: Python xml packages are required but could not be found


Install the xml packages for your distribution:

Debian/Ubuntu: python2.4-xml Fedora/RHEL: PyXML

You can also rebuild your own python, instructions follows.

Download the sources from: and build it. Go in the python directory:

 ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome2
 make install

(Here I assumed that the <prefix> directory is /opt/gnome2) Then, set your PATH as:

 export PATH=/opt/gnome2/bin:$PATH
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/gnome2/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Then check:

 jhbuild list


2024-10-23 11:37