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JHBuild needs an always up to date system and Tumblweed offers you just that, making it a great choice for GNOME development.

To install JHBuild you need to install the following packages:

sudo zypper in jhbuild jhbuild-recommended-deps 

The jhbuild-recommended-depspackage is needed because the JHBuild system dependency installation system (jhbuild sysdeps --install) is currently broken on Tumbleweed; this package install most of the dependencies needed to install the default build target.

Some dependencies are still missing but are not mandatory, so to work around this you can buidl with the --nodeps options.

jhbuild build --nodeps

Leap 42.2

To install JHBuild you need to install the following packages:

sudo zypper in jhbuild jhbuild-recommended-deps

The jhbuild-recommended-depspackage is needed because the JHBuild system dependency installation system (jhbuild sysdeps --install) is currently broken on OpenSUSE 42.2; this package install most of the dependencies needed to install the default build target, which is GNOME 3.20.

Some of the shipped build dependencies are too old, so you'll need to bootstrap them:

jhbuild bootstrap gettext

Cargo is needed by librsvg but isn't available in the 42.2 repositories, fortunately the package for Tumbleweed works just fine. You can install it by clicking here.

Some dependencies are still missing but are not mandatory, so to work around this you can buidl with the --nodeps options.

jhbuild build --nodeps

2024-10-23 11:37