Hacking on GNOME Hardware Testing
Initial Setup
Make sure that you have lots of free disk space (say 80GB or so for comfort)
- Set up jhbuild (using gnome-shell-build-setup.sh)
- Build necessary base modules:
jhbuild build ostree gnome-continuous gnome-hwtest-simulator
- Create directory:
mkdir ~/gnome/continuous cd ~/gnome/continuous ln -s ~/gnome/source/gnome-continuous/manifest.json .
- Build all of GNOME:
cd ~/gnome/continuous jhbuild shell ostbuild make -n resolve fetchAll=true && ostbuild make -n build && ostbuild make -n builddisks
- Run the simulator
jbuild run org.gnome.HWTestSimulator
Install the controller in the simulator - see Setting up a controller system. Instead of burning to a USB key, just select "Boot from Image" in the drop-down settings menu for the controller. Add --simulator to the invocation of gnome-hwtest-install to automatically create teh right controller.conf.
[controller] private_hwaddr=52:54:00:12:34:56 public_hwaddr=52:54:00:12:34:58 upstream_repo= perf_server_api= hwtest_tree=gnome-continuous/buildmaster/x86_64-minimal
Install the target in the simulator - see Adding a target to a controller. The lines you add to controller.conf should look like:
[machine <machinename>] index=1 hwaddr=52:54:00:12:34:57 power_tty=/dev/ttyS1 power_index=1 [partition <machinename>/<partition-id>] tree=gnome-continuous/buildmaster/x86_64-runtime testsets=x11
Running perf.gnome.org locally
- The web server for perf.gnome.org is easy to run locally:
cd ~/gnome/source git checkout gnome:perf-web cd perf-web cp perf/local_settings.py.sample perf/local_settings.py <edit perf/local_settings.py as appropriate> python manage.py runserver
Go to in your web browser.
- The 'builddisks' step isn't necessary unless you are installing / reinstalling. Normally you would do:
ostbuild make -n resolve fetchAll=true && ostbuild make -n builds
- Whenever you rebuild the GNOME tree, the controller will first update itself and reboot, then update and run tests on the target system.
Working with local copies of modules
mkdir ~/gnome/continuous/overrides cd ~/gnome/continuous git checkout gnome:gnome-hwtest