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Where can we start?

Or, How can we actually move to a new theme API?

New API straight into GTK+

This is an idea of a new layer of abstraction between the widgets and the drawing primitives. The idea is that an engine won't need to access the parent properties and struct memebers, instead, all the context needed should be provided through a context object. It will replace the string detail as it is used now.


Widget drawing methods

These are methods that provide the basic functions you might need to draw a widget with. These are functions specific to drawing widgets, as opposed to any other type of drawing.

Stylised drawing methods

These are more abstract drawing methods, but stylised to reflect the current theme.

Generic parameters for each function

draw_foo (caito_t *cr, char *context, int x, int y, int width, int height)

Context would be a string representing the exact name of the widget (or top level widget in the case of composite widgets) the function is being called for.

2024-10-23 11:37