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1. Five or More Modernisation

1.1. Short Description

The main goal is modernising Five or More, one of the few gnome games which haven’t been rewritten in Vala as part of the Games Modernisation Initiative. It’s a simple and fun game in which the player has to align, as often as possible, five or more objects of the same shape and color, causing them to disappear. Besides the Vala rewrite, there are some other tasks that have to be tackled, like updating artwork, adding sounds and gamepad support, or some that I have already completed while preparing my application, such as migrating to Meson and dropping autotools, porting to gettext and integrating libgnome-games-support.

1.2. About me

I have graduated the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, with a degree in Computer Science and Technology Information at the University “POLITEHNICA” of Bucharest. Currently, I am a first year student pursuing a Master’s Degree in Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Virtual Reality at the same university.

You can keep up with the updates on my progress by visiting my blog. Also, I am more than happy to respond to any of your messages on any of the channels provided on both my wiki page and my blog

1.3. Mentoring

Robert Roth is mentoring my project.

2024-10-23 11:28