1. Break Timer application for GNOME 3
My project is to create a new break timer application for GNOME. I will spend some time fleshing out the mockups in the wiki, and I will begin with a similar project that I started (but didn't quite finish) a while ago, so I can really focus on making this application beautiful and effective.
1.1. About me
My name is Dylan McCall, and I live in Vancouver, Canada. My involvement in free software until now has mostly been through Ubuntu, where I maintain the installer slideshow and generally fuss around with things. (More recently I have been helping with their Software Updater tool). I'm a huge fan of GNOME, and I'm really looking forward to this opportunity to get to know the project a little better.
1.2. Related links
1.3. Status
September 22: Final report
September 13: Week 13 update
August 26: Week 10 update
August 13: Week 8 update
July 26: Week 6 update
July 15: Week 4 update
July 1: Week 2 update
June 8: My GSOC 2013 project: a new break timer application for GNOME