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1. Accessibility Outreach


The Accessibility Outreach program is organized and promoted by the GNOME Foundation to sponsor relevant development tasks related to Accessibility in GNOME.

1.1. What is it about?

The GNOME Outreach Program: Accessibility aims to:

The GNOME Foundation will provide a list of tasks that participants can attempt to complete. Judges will choose winning entries in accordance with the program rules and prizes will be awarded to eligible winning participants.

1.2. Updates

1.3. How to Participate

In order to participate in the program, follow those simple instructions:

1.4. Important Dates

1.5. People & Contact

If you have any questions about the program, please read our frequently asked questions page first. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact the program administrators Behdad Esfahbod, Lucas Rocha, and Vincent Untz.

The technical judges responsible for selecting the candidates for each task and evaluating the results are Willie Walker, David Bolter, and Luke Yelavich.

If you need any technical support from community about the available development tasks, use the GNOME Accessibility mailing list.

1.6. Press Enquiries

Please see our press release for the announcement, and contact the administrators listed above for more information.

1.7. Sponsors

GNOME Foundation Mozilla Foundation Canonical Google Novell

1.8. Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Máirín Duffy, for designing the program logo, and Google, for allowing us to use GHOP rules as a basis for this program's rules.

2024-10-23 11:28