LunisAeon is a 40 year old American who is a member of The Moon Society and is interested in promoting the exploration, development and colonization of the Earth's moon to the general public. He endeavors to encourage the 'average person' to become excited and involved with this next great leap into the final frontier. As someone with no scientific or engineering background, he seeks to assure others that the environment and culture of space, as well as its development and colonization is not the domain of the 'elite' few, but is, in fact, open, and even dependent, upon everyone's participation.
Lunis is also a Linux enthusiast and supports the philosophy of the GNU Free Software Movement, the positive power and potential of the internet, as well as the overall empowerment of people against the forces of greed, abuse, corruption, censorship and injustice, whether its source is political, economic, religious or social in nature.
Lunis can be reached by e-mail at: lunisaeon @ gmail (dot) com