GNOME Goal: Make every GNOME application and project have a wiki page
GNOME is growing, and a centralized place to get information about each GNOME application and project would be good. The concept of open source software encourages community contribution, therefore creating wiki pages for each GNOME application would encourage community involvement.
GNOME has deprecated which now redirects to Apps. The old content is still available at
Now for each GNOME software, you can create your own wiki pages by using a wiki template:
Apps/Template for an application
Projects/Template for a library or another project
See the Guidelines. Here is the list of all applications, and the list of all projects. The lists are automatically generated, you just need to create a subpage.
Status of this goal
State |
Markup |
todo |
<: #ff8080> todo |
patch |
<: #ffc849> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|patch]] |
done |
<: #80ff80> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|done]] |
not needed |
<: #80ff80> not needed |
Above are the states and corresponding markup to update the modules state table below.
Update: this goal is normally completed, but the table below is not up-to-date.
Tarball |
Status |
core |
at-spi2-core |
todo |
at-spi2-atk |
todo |
dconf |
done |
evolution-data-server |
todo |
glib-networking |
todo |
gnome-bluetooth |
done |
gnome-online-accounts |
done |
gnome-control-center |
todo |
gnome-desktop |
todo |
gnome-icon-theme |
todo |
gnome-icon-theme-extras |
todo |
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic |
todo |
gnome-keyring |
done |
gnome-menus |
todo |
gnome-packagekit |
todo |
gnome-screensaver |
done |
gnome-session |
todo |
gnome-settings-daemon |
todo |
gnome-shell |
done |
gnome-themes-standard |
todo |
gsettings-desktop-schemas |
todo |
gvfs |
done |
mousetweaks |
done |
mutter |
todo |
network-manager-applet |
todo |
pulseaudio |
todo |
telepathy-mission-control |
todo |
core-utilities |
baobab |
done |
empathy |
done |
eog |
todo |
epiphany |
done |
evince |
done |
gnome-calculator |
todo |
gnome-contacts |
todo |
gnome-dictionary |
todo |
gnome-disk-utility |
todo |
gnome-font-viewer |
todo |
gnome-screenshot |
todo |
gnome-system-log |
todo |
gnome-system-monitor |
todo |
gnome-terminal |
todo |
gucharmap |
done |
nautilus |
done |
sushi |
todo |
yelp |
done |
core-extras |
gnome-backgrounds |
todo |
gnome-user-share |
todo |
vino |
done |
gnome-user-docs |
todo |
core-os-services |
accountservice |
todo |
avahi |
todo |
todo |
dbus |
todo |
gdm |
done |
todo |
todo |
polkit |
todo |
upower |
todo |
core-deps |
atk |
todo |
atkmm |
todo |
cantarell-fonts |
done |
caribou |
done |
clutter |
done |
clutter-gtk |
todo |
clutter-gst |
todo |
cogl |
todo |
desktop-file-utils |
todo |
expat |
todo |
folks |
done |
gnome-js-common |
todo |
gtksourceview |
done |
gdk-pixbuf |
done |
gjs |
done |
glib |
done |
glibmm |
todo |
gnome-video-effects |
done |
gobject-introspection |
done |
gst-plugins-base |
todo |
gst-plugins-good |
todo |
gst-plugins-farsight |
todo |
gstreamer |
done |
gtk+ |
done |
gtk-doc |
todo |
gtkmm |
done |
gudev |
todo |
hicolor-icon-theme |
todo |
icon-naming-utils |
todo |
iso-codes |
todo |
itstool |
todo |
intltool |
todo |
java-gnome |
todo |
json-glib |
done |
libcanberra |
todo |
libchamplain |
done |
libcroco |
todo |
libgee |
done |
libgdata |
done |
libgnome-keyring |
todo |
libgnomekbd |
todo |
libgsf |
todo |
libgtop |
todo |
libgweather |
done |
libmusicbrainz |
todo |
libnice |
todo |
libnotify |
todo |
libpeas |
done |
librest |
done |
librsvg |
done |
libsigc++2 |
todo |
libsoup |
done |
libwnck |
todo |
libxml2 |
todo |
mm-common |
todo |
p11-kit |
todo |
pango |
todo |
pangomm |
todo |
poppler |
todo |
pygobject |
done |
seed |
done |
shared-mime-info |
todo |
sound-theme-freedesktop |
todo |
telepathy-glib |
todo |
telepathy-logger |
todo |
telepathy-farsight |
todo |
totem-pl-parser |
todo |
tracker |
done |
vala |
done |
vte |
todo |
webkit |
todo |
yelp-tools |
todo |
yelp-xsl |
todo |
zenity |
done |
lcms2 |
todo |
colord |
todo |
apps |
accerciser |
done |
aisleriot |
todo |
anjuta |
done |
brasero |
done |
cheese |
done |
devhelp |
done |
evolution |
done |
file-roller |
done |
gedit |
done |
ghex |
done |
glade |
done |
gnome-boxes |
todo |
gnome-clocks |
todo |
gnome-color-manager |
todo |
gnome-devel-docs |
todo |
gnome-documents |
todo |
gnome-chess |
todo |
five-or-more |
done |
four-in-a-row |
todo |
gnome-klotski |
todo |
gnome-mahjongg |
todo |
gnome-mines |
todo |
gnome-nibbles |
todo |
gnome-robots |
todo |
gnome-sudoku |
todo |
gnome-tetravex |
todo |
iagno |
done |
lightsoff |
done |
quadrapassel |
done |
swell-foop |
done |
tali |
done |
gnome-nettool |
todo |
gnome-power-manager |
todo |
nautilus-sendto |
todo |
nemiver |
done |
orca |
done |
rygel |
done |
seahorse |
done |
totem |
done |
vinagre |
done |