GNOME Goal: Convert applications to DBusActivatable
Since 3.10, it is possible for applications to specify their D-Bus activation information directly in their desktop files. This provides a clear link between the traditional metadata in the desktop file (name, icon,...) and the bus name under which the running application appears on the bus and enables an entirely D-Bus-based approach for launching and tracking applications.
For information on D-Bus application launching, including how do apply it to your application, see HowDoI/DBusApplicationLaunching.
Comments before approval
Status of this goal
State |
Markup |
todo |
<: #ff8080> todo |
patch |
<: #ffcc50> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|patch]] |
done |
<: #80ff80> [[GnomeBug:xxxxx|done]] |
not needed |
<: #80ff80> not needed |
Above are the states and corresponding markup to update the modules state table below.
Tarball |
Status |
core |
at-spi2-core |
not needed |
at-spi2-atk |
not needed |
dconf |
evolution-data-server |
not needed |
glib-networking |
not needed |
gnome-bluetooth |
not needed |
gnome-online-accounts |
not needed |
gnome-control-center |
to do |
gnome-desktop |
not needed |
adwaita-icon-theme |
not needed |
gnome-keyring |
not needed |
gnome-menus |
not needed |
gnome-packagekit |
not needed |
gnome-session |
not needed |
gnome-settings-daemon |
gnome-shell |
gnome-themes-standard |
not needed |
gsettings-desktop-schemas |
not needed |
gvfs |
not needed |
mousetweaks |
not needed |
mutter |
not needed |
network-manager-applet |
not used anymore |
pulseaudio |
not needed |
telepathy-mission-control |
not needed |
core-utilities |
baobab |
bijiben |
to do |
empathy |
to do |
eog |
to do |
epiphany |
to do |
evince |
to do |
gnome-calculator |
to do |
gnome-contacts |
gnome-dictionary |
gnome-disk-utility |
gnome-font-viewer |
done |
gnome-screenshot |
gnome-logs |
done |
gnome-system-monitor |
to do |
gnome-terminal |
gucharmap |
to do |
nautilus |
sushi |
not needed |
yelp |
to do |
core-extras |
gnome-backgrounds |
not needed |
gnome-user-share |
to do |
vino |
to do |
gnome-user-docs |
not needed |
core-os-services |
accountservice |
not needed |
avahi |
not needed |
not needed |
dbus |
not needed |
gdm |
not needed |
not needed |
not needed |
polkit |
not needed |
upower |
not needed |
core-deps |
atk |
not needed |
atkmm |
not needed |
cantarell-fonts |
not needed |
caribou |
not needed |
clutter |
not needed |
clutter-gtk |
not needed |
clutter-gst |
not needed |
cogl |
not needed |
desktop-file-utils |
not needed |
expat |
not needed |
folks |
not needed |
gnome-js-common |
not needed |
gtksourceview |
not needed |
gdk-pixbuf |
not needed |
gjs |
not needed |
glib |
not needed |
glibmm |
not needed |
gnome-video-effects |
not needed |
gobject-introspection |
not needed |
gst-plugins-base |
not needed |
gst-plugins-good |
not needed |
gst-plugins-farsight |
not needed |
gstreamer |
not needed |
gtk+ |
not needed |
gtk-doc |
not needed |
gtkmm |
not needed |
gudev |
not needed |
hicolor-icon-theme |
not needed |
icon-naming-utils |
not needed |
iso-codes |
not needed |
itstool |
not needed |
intltool |
not needed |
java-gnome |
not needed |
json-glib |
not needed |
libcanberra |
not needed |
libchamplain |
not needed |
libcroco |
not needed |
libgee |
not needed |
libgdata |
not needed |
libgnome-keyring |
not needed |
libgnomekbd |
not needed |
libgsf |
not needed |
libgtop |
not needed |
libgweather |
not needed |
libmusicbrainz |
not needed |
libnice |
not needed |
libnotify |
not needed |
libpeas |
not needed |
librest |
not needed |
librsvg |
not needed |
libsigc++2 |
not needed |
libsoup |
not needed |
libwnck |
not needed |
libxml2 |
not needed |
mm-common |
not needed |
p11-kit |
not needed |
pango |
not needed |
pangomm |
not needed |
poppler |
not needed |
pygobject |
not needed |
seed |
not needed |
shared-mime-info |
not needed |
sound-theme-freedesktop |
not needed |
telepathy-glib |
not needed |
telepathy-logger |
not needed |
telepathy-farsight |
not needed |
totem-pl-parser |
not needed |
tracker |
not needed |
vala |
not needed |
vte |
not needed |
webkit |
not needed |
yelp-tools |
not needed |
yelp-xsl |
not needed |
zenity |
doesn't apply here, really |
lcms2 |
not needed |
colord |
not needed |
apps |
accerciser |
to do |
aislerot |
to do |
anjuta |
to do |
brasero |
to do |
cheese |
done |
devhelp |
evolution |
to do |
file-roller |
gedit |
ghex |
to do |
gitg |
to do |
glade |
to do |
gnome-boxes |
done |
gnome-calendar |
done |
gnome-characters |
done |
gnome-clocks |
done |
gnome-color-manager |
to do |
gnome-devel-docs |
not needed |
gnome-documents |
done |
gnome-logs |
done |
gnome-music |
to do |
gnome-software |
done |
gnome-sound-recorder |
done |
gnome-weather |
done |
gnome-chess |
to do |
five-or-more |
to do |
four-in-a-row |
to do |
gnome-klotski |
to do |
gnome-mahjongg |
to do |
gnome-maps |
done |
gnome-mines |
to do |
gnome-nibbles |
to do |
gnome-photos |
done |
gnome-robots |
to do |
gnome-software |
done |
gnome-sound-recorder |
done |
gnome-sudoku |
to do |
gnome-tetravex |
to do |
gnome-weather |
done |
iagno |
to do |
lightsoff |
to do |
quadrapassel |
to do |
swell-foop |
to do |
tali |
to do |
taquin |
done |
gnome-nettool |
to do |
nautilus-sendto |
to do |
nemiver |
to do |
orca |
to do |
polari |
done |
rygel |
to do |
seahorse |
to do |
totem |
done |
vinagre |
to do |