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1. Notes from day 2

We started the day off with an introduction to Emeus and constraints-based layout.

We moved to cards as a sharable ui element. Endless' cards are currently written in javascript, and are tied together with arrangements in some ways (arrangements need the datamodel as well to do things like sorting and filtering.

Plans for this:

1.0.1. Coffee break

1.1. Lunch break

After lunch, we started to work on some tasks from earlier discussion. Martin got the recipes data and started converting it into a shard. Matthias debugged some issues that showed up during demoing of recipes earlier.

Elvin met with some cooking students to get real-life user input and they will also send us Indonesian recipes tomorrow.

/Notes from the cooking students

/Featuring in Today, Chefs and Editor's picks rules

2024-10-23 11:10