1. libhandy review
HndyLeaflet: a useful adaptable container, we should have something like it in GTK+
HndyColumn: a way to set natural sizes - adding pixel sizes like this goes against our general trend to avoid pixel sizes. The general answer seems to be constraints
view switcher: we should have a more adaptable stack switcher
long discussion about fashion vs fundamentals, libegg, libgd, libdazzle, libhandy are all fashion
lunchtime discussions: it makes sense to allow wacom pads, buttons, etc as triggers for shortcuts
dnd leftovers:
- unify dnd and regular mouse events
- unify the code for propagating them
- figure out status updates
- make gtkdragsource a gesture
- make gtkdragdest a gesture
- nuke gtkselection and gtkdnd.c
random decision: don't do headers in listview
review of rbtree api