The GNOME.Asia Summit
What is the GNOME.Asia Summit
The GNOME.Asia Summit focuses primarily on the GNOME desktop, applications, development platform, and the larger GNOME-related community in Asia. The GNOME.Asia Summit brings together the GNOME-related community in Asia and provides a forum for GNOME users, developers, foundation leaders, individuals, governments and businesses to discuss a range of topics relating to GNOME and the GNOME community in Asia.
The first ever GNOME.Asia Summit was held over 2 days in Beijing, China in 2008. During the 2 day summit, the objective was to have a variety of presentations focusing on the growth of the community in Asia and, showcasing various aspects of the GNOME platform. As is usual with any GNOME event, there were demonstration of projects, brainstorming sessions and lightning talks.
What is the objective of the GNOME.Asia Summit
At a very high level, the objectives of the GNOME.Asia Summit can be put across as follows:
* To gather GNOME developers and contributors from Asia
* To attract new Asian contributors to the project
* To promote awareness of GNOME and free software in Asia
* To allow developers and contributors to have face-to-face discussions
* To showcase latest GNOME technologies
* To highlight new ideas and cutting edge developments
* To involve partners and facilitate an approach to the GNOME Asia community
* To further improve how the desktop works in Asian languages
The 2009 Summit
The GNOME.Asia Summit 2009 will be held in November 2009 Ho-Chi-Minh City in Vietnam.
GnomeAsia/2009/Call for Participation
GnomeAsia/2009/Website GnomeAsia/2009/Venue
GnomeAsia/2009/Hotels and Accomodation