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Potential locations for future GUADECs

Members of the committee have suggested these criteria should be preferred in selecting a location:

Candidate Locations

This is a list of locations some committee member has suggested might be possibilities for holding a future GUADEC, along with names of contacts at those locations. Locations that have made a bid are listed on the GUADEC wikipage for a specific year (e.g. 2012).




Prague, Czech Republic

Aarhus, Denmark

Bordeaux, France

Lyon, France

Montpelier, France


Berlin, Germany

Already had one here :(

Frankfurt, Germany

Hamburg, Germany

Munich, Germany


Very expensive

Nürnberg, Germany

Thessaloniki, Greece





Vaguely inquiring

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Lisbon, Portugal

Seville, Spain

GNOME Hispano <gnome-hispano-list(at)>

Madrid, Spain

GNOME Hispano <gnome-hispano-list(at)>

Norwich, UK


Oxford, UK


Draft email to potential organizers

Consider organising GUADEC <year>

Have you ever thought about organizing GUADEC in your city? You are receiving this email because we think you could help.

The GNOME Foundation recently sent out a "call for bids" for hosting GUADEC <year> and we are looking for strong local team to host this major GNOME event. We think your city would be a wonderful place for GUADEC because it meets the criteria for a large GNOME event like GUADEC:

If you have any questions about hosting GUADEC or writing your bid, ask the current organisers or the board

The following documents should be helpful, and we strongly encourage you to read them:

We would also like to encourage you to attend GUADEC[4] in <year>. This will be a great opportunity for people to network with GNOME community leaders.

Finally, GUADEC is the GNOME European event, but is also the most international GNOME event. It has been held in far flung corners of Europe such as the Gran Canaria islands, Norway, and Istanbul. We encourage you to submit a bid even if it stretches our imagination of what GNOME and Europe might include.

We are looking forward to your bids!

Sincerely, <your name>

2024-10-23 11:08