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Srinivasa Ragavan


I love GNOME, free software and the community. I care for it. I'm contributing to GNOME for the last 6 years, by means of code, bugs, patches and features. I want to contribute more in non-code terms being in the board. I'm confident I can do it. Every GNOME board I have seen is awesome, unique and ever-improving. I'm sure, I would add my best to it.

Me ?

I'm 28 years old, computer science engineering graduate from India. Out of college, I joined Novell, and 8 years on, still there. First 2 years, I was working on BIND and Apache projects. Since 2003, I'm with GNOME, contributing to various GNOME projects and Notably, I'm the project maintainer for Evolution (and friends) for the last ~3 years. I'm the author of Anjal, the mailer for Netbooks.

What have I done till now in GNOME?

I have been writing code for ~6 years. Mostly patches, bugs enhancements. I'm maintain Evolution. I have contributed to create a self-sustaining Evolution community. I have brought new module maintainers in Evolution, who were active contributing. I have streamlined patch reviews in Evolution, and enabled more contributions to Evolution .Evolution adds to at least 50 new contributors every major release. I have been the top patch reviewer in GNOME for the last two years. I'm currently writing (Anjal) new mail client for low-power, low memory devices and mobile devices. I manage an Open Source Internship program in India (through Novell & GNOME Bangalore chapter), which enable students to contribute to Open source projects in GNOME, Open Office, LDTP and Mono. I still mentor few students in contributing to GNOME and other open source projects.

What will I do if I'm on the board?

When I first told my friends, some of them asked me, 'Do I have time?'. Time is something that everyone lacks. I swear, I'll do better planning and dedicate necessary time for the board activities.

If I win, this will be my first term for the GNOME board. Vote for me.

2024-10-23 11:07