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Coming to Boston 2007?

If you're coming to the Boston Summit 2007, make sure to add your name here...

  1. TravisWatkins

  2. BryanClark

  3. desrt (RyanLortie) (maybe)

  4. ColinWalters

  5. OwenWilliams

  6. MatthiasClasen

  7. HavocPennington

  8. CodyRussell

  9. RobTaylor (probably)

  10. BradTaylor (not related to RobTaylor or OwenTaylor)

  11. MairinDuffy (probably)

  12. TuomasKuosmanen (working on it)

  13. TravisReitter

  14. AaronBockover

  15. DavidZeuthen

  16. AndreasNilsson (I hope I can make it, the money jar will decide in the end I guess ;) )

  17. BoydTimothy

  18. JoeShaw

  19. StefanKost

  20. AdamJackson

  21. JonPhillips (first day is same gSoC mentors summit, gulp)

  22. ChrisBall

  23. SrichandPendyala (Confirmed!)

  24. FedericoLucifredi (F2)

  25. BehdadEsfahbod (Sun/Mon)

  26. WillieWalker (Sat/Sun)

  27. StephenOGrady
  28. LeoWebb (Sun)

  29. PaulLozowicki (sun)

  30. AlexWebb (sun)

  31. FelipeWebb (sun)

  32. KeithPackard (airplane failure; I won't be making it after all).

  33. RobertMcQueen

  34. JussiLaako

  35. JoanieDiggs (Sat/Sun)

  36. AaronLeventhal (Sat a11y event only)

  37. SteveLee (Sat a11y event only)

  38. Michael Curran (Sat a11y event only)
  39. GijsKruitbosch (probably Sat a11y event only)

  40. Scott Haeger (Sat/Sun)
  41. Evan Yan
  42. ChenthillPalanisamy (hopefully if i get the visa in time!)

  43. Sankar (If there are no visa problems :( )

  44. AsheeshLaroia (Sat/Sun/Mon?)

  45. WilliamPitcock (in the general area around that time, will try to come on the 7th)

  46. KaySievers

  47. MarinaZ
  48. PhilipVanHoof (maybe)

  49. JorgeCastro

  50. RodrigoMoya

  51. KristianLyngstol

  52. AndrewCowie

  53. LeonidZolotarev

  54. JonathanBlandford (Sun/Mon only)

  55. SjoerdSimons

  56. GuillaumeDesmottes

  57. GarrettLeSage

  58. Bob Murphy
  59. Ariel Rios (Sat a11y event only)
  60. HannaWallach

  61. DavidNusinow

  62. OwenTaylor

  63. RayStrode

  64. MiguelDeIcaza

  65. JohnPalmieri (Sun/Mon only)

  66. ScottReeves

  67. MikeGorse (Sat a11y event only)

  68. AndresSalomon

  69. PatrickGu

  70. AttilaDomokos

  71. LennartPoettering

  72. JoergenScheibengruber

  73. TimKeenan (Sat a11y event only)

  74. JohnEhresman

  75. MichaelWolf

  76. MichaelHutchinson (probably)

  77. EitanIsaacson

  78. TomHinkle

  79. JonMasters (bits of it)

  80. BrianFallik

2024-10-23 11:06