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IMPORTANT: This content is being preserved for historical purposes. Current information and documentation about GNOME Accessibility can be found at: the GNOME Accessibility Project


  1. Accessibility Summit - Sunday, October 8
  2. Minutes from Accessibility day at GNOME Boston Summit
    1. Attendees
    2. Introduction and Overview of Where We Are
    3. Where Do We Need to Go?
      1. What's Good?
      2. What's Needed?
      3. Misc Comments
    4. How do Others Get Involved?
      1. Engineering and Technical Types
    5. Action Items
      1. Testing: Rodney, Nags, Dave
      2. Automated Tools to "Lint" Glade Files for A11Y: Shane and WebAIM
      3. Best Practices Document for AT-SPI Implementations: Peter Parente and George Kraft
      4. Firefox A11Y Improvements: Aaron Leventhal & Ginn Chen
      5. Approachable Documentation for End Users: Joe Lazzaro
      6. Approachable Documentation for Programmers: Bill Haneman
      7. Prioritized list of hot bugs, trivial bugs, for folks to start: Willie Walker
      8. Improve support for using existing hardware, make it work better: David Zeuthen
      9. White Paper: Peter Korn
      10. Public wiki list of a11y projects to work on (cf. Peter Korn
      11. Usability testing of GNOME a11y by PWD: Brette Luck w/Novell & Dave w/ITD
      12. Description of what an office user w/a disability needs to be functional, efficient: Barbara Lybarger
      13. Performance testing, evaluation of accessibility framework: David Zeuthen
      14. Corral the multiplicity of broken audio frameworks together & make them work: Janina, Leon
    6. Recommendations to GNOME Community and Distros
  3. Strawman Agenda
      1. 10:00-10:30: Introductions and Overview of the Day - Willie Walker
      2. 10:30-11:30: Overview of Accessibility Infrastructure - Bill Haneman
      3. 11:30-12:30: Overview/Demos of Assistive Technologies - Willie Walker, Peter Parente, [Ubuntu?]
      4. 12:30-1:30: Lunch - preliminary discussion of gaps
      5. 1:30 - 2:30 Assistive Technology Gaps - Developers + End Users
      6. 2:30-4:00: End User Setup and Configuration - Ubuntu[?]
      7. 4:00-5:00: [MOVED TO SATURDAY, MORNING BOF] Testing - Willie Walker, George Kraft, Peter Parente, Nagapan A
      8. 5:00-5:30: [ONLY IF TIME ALLOWS] Speech Infrastructure - Brailcom[?], Willie Walker
      9. 5:30-6:00: Wrap up - All

Accessibility Summit - Sunday, October 8

A one day GNOME accessibility team meeting at the Boston Summit 2006, to talk through common goals, differing solutions, and how to get all of us on the same page and working to a master plan!

Minutes from Accessibility day at GNOME Boston Summit

These are the notes from the Accessibility Summit at GNOME Boston 2006 held on October 8, 2006.


Introduction and Overview of Where We Are

The morning was comprised of:

Where Do We Need to Go?

After lunch, we developed a list of what's good and what's needed:

What's Good?

What's Needed?

Misc Comments

How do Others Get Involved?

Engineering and Technical Types

If you (an engineer type, documentation type) want to get involved:

If you (an artist type) want to get involved:

If you (a University) want to get involved:

Action Items

We worked as a community to decide where to start.

Testing: Rodney, Nags, Dave

Automated Tools to "Lint" Glade Files for A11Y: Shane and WebAIM

Best Practices Document for AT-SPI Implementations: Peter Parente and George Kraft

Firefox A11Y Improvements: Aaron Leventhal & Ginn Chen

Approachable Documentation for End Users: Joe Lazzaro

Approachable Documentation for Programmers: Bill Haneman

Prioritized list of hot bugs, trivial bugs, for folks to start: Willie Walker

Improve support for using existing hardware, make it work better: David Zeuthen

White Paper: Peter Korn

Public wiki list of a11y projects to work on (cf. Peter Korn

Usability testing of GNOME a11y by PWD: Brette Luck w/Novell & Dave w/ITD

Description of what an office user w/a disability needs to be functional, efficient: Barbara Lybarger

Performance testing, evaluation of accessibility framework: David Zeuthen

Corral the multiplicity of broken audio frameworks together & make them work: Janina, Leon

Recommendations to GNOME Community and Distros

Strawman Agenda

This is an attempt at organizing the original agenda suggestions (see below). People/Organizations listed with a [?] next to their name have not been contacted or verified for their participation.

NOTE: This is still a draft. We'll try to post a semi-final version by Saturday afternoon (Oct. 07)

10:00-10:30: Introductions and Overview of the Day - Willie Walker

GOALS: Get us settled in, learn a bit about each other, and get an idea for what the day will be like.

10:30-11:30: Overview of Accessibility Infrastructure - Bill Haneman

GOALS: Provide an understanding for what holds it all together, and identify ways to improve infrastructure docs and level of understanding among Gnome hackers:

Depending on who attends, this can be more of a discussion/roundtable about issues/strategies implementation, arch docs, and developer uptake and maintenance

11:30-12:30: Overview/Demos of Assistive Technologies - Willie Walker, Peter Parente, [Ubuntu?]

GOALS: Provide better insight into the capabilities of assistive technologies we currently have on the GNOME platform, including:

12:30-1:30: Lunch - preliminary discussion of gaps

1:30 - 2:30 Assistive Technology Gaps - Developers + End Users

GOALS: Now that we've seen what we've got, what do we need and how do we get there?

2:30-4:00: End User Setup and Configuration - Ubuntu[?]

GOALS: Create a strategy and plan to improve the end user experience for choosing from a variety assistive technologies, how to configure them, and how to enable them at the login prompt and for the user's session.

4:00-5:00: [MOVED TO SATURDAY, MORNING BOF] Testing - Willie Walker, George Kraft, Peter Parente, Nagapan A

GOALS: Create a testing strategy to help verify AT-SPI implementations as well as prevent regressions in AT-SPI implementations and assistive technologies.

How do we:

  1. Test for regressions in the accessibility support of toolkits and "regular" applications?
  2. Test assistive technologies?
  3. Encourage more consistent implementations of the AT-SPI through "best practices" documentation see mailing list posting and WIKI

What do we have in place today?

5:00-5:30: [ONLY IF TIME ALLOWS] Speech Infrastructure - Brailcom[?], Willie Walker

GOALS: Discuss the potential of improving the TTS infrastructure of the GNOME platform.

Is gnome-speech sufficient for our needs? Should it be replaced? Is there an alternative, such as Speech Dispatcher? What would it mean to replace gnome-speech (impact on assistive technologies, need to get replacement in as part of the GNOME platform, support issues, etc.).

5:30-6:00: Wrap up - All

GOALS: Quick review of the day, summary of actions for ourselves and the GNOME community.


Original agenda suggestions from community:


2024-10-23 11:06