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What this is about

At 2006 Jeff Waugh and Glynn Foster distributed post-it pads for the attendees to pass on their comments about GNOME during the sesssions. They were asked to categorise their responses into things about GNOME that rock, and things that suck, and lastly things that neither rock nor suck, but are just suggestions. Here they are.

I have numbered the sticky notes so we can easily find ones that we are not sure about.

Sometimes a number appears twice on this list. That indicates that two separate issues are mentioned, albeit on the same note.


1. More application unification

2. Au-ocker language/i18n

3. Make all Gnome paswords use unicode @ not ascii 'x'

4. We need an API wiki like aline PHP docs

5. Upn support lacking fro end users in UI

5. I think some performance only updates and patches are needed, even if minor

6. Nautilus browser mode (sucks)

7. 2 stability

8. "New updates are available"

9. Window close and max/min buttons next to each other

10. Releases should be in 8 month cycles: 3 biannually

11. Be prepared to commit more modules to Platform and give them to developers

12. I went to and all I got was these postit notes

13. 2 Player GNOME mines (see MSN messages)

14. Integrates Games with Gaim

15. New office suite not written in java or build on abiword and the others to present a unified suite for end users

16. Make the GNOME icon set follow the naming spec (same ??? bugs user) (so KDE users can use the GNOME icon set)

17. GNOME Podcast

18. Support for multiple sound devices (e.g. USB headsets)

19. Nautilus UI idy it up. Try to get rid of the?? bar leaving just the two tool bars

20. I would like to be able to draw on my desktop when presenting => integrate functionality

21. GtkMozEmbed

22. "Clippy" that works and can be loved

23. More Ubuntu Pron!

24. GNOME-Vfs integration with fuse

25. Klunkiness -> usability = responsiveness as well as intuitive interface (less layers of abstraction) Needs work? Does for me.

26. GtkMozEmbed Python bindings (e.g. new window event)

27. Nautilus Path bar. could propogate when you use and old path in history.

28. Suggestion. How can we integrate avahi (mDNS) into the desktop?

29. Revision control for dummies

30. Be innovative. Don't "equalize" with lame-ass proprietary products. Do something better.

31. Paris Hilton using Gnome.

32. Developers! Developers! etc.

33. More Inspirations Gnome use-cases

34. 2nd generation presentation program. *NOT* a powerpoint clone.

35. Standalone email, addressbook, calendar and task apps, tied with EDS or the like.

36. gnome remote assistant

36. more support more features

36. More remote desktop software support, and multiple logins (i know this is in development) but would be very important to support end users easier.

37. an 'Internet Connection' icon in the app menu or desktop, similar to windoze. would make it a lot easier for end users, to get on the net.

37. More flatbed scanner and digital camera software support.

38. Power tools! bring it back

39. more nautilus 'send to' features

40. voip - more integrations into desktop

41. more cdr dvd writer support and features in nautilus

42. better file browsing and navigation in nautilus (not that its not good already).


43. Good: Notification applet libnotification daemon

44. Developer community rules

45. Panel applets rule

46. Vertical gnome panel

47. Rocks-y: Epiphany

48. GNOME works well as a way of spawning xterms

49. Good: galago desktop presence

50. nautilus search. gedit.

51. Good: GSTREAMER 0.10 & MP3 Plugin

52. Gaim

53. Clock applet. Evo integration.

54. Network Manager.

55. GOOD: Rythmbox with daap support & iPod & Non iPod mp3 players

56. ROCKS 6-month release cycles

57. Take screenshot.

58. The GNOME community rocks

59. Rocks Dtrace.





64. The GIMP

65. 6 month releases ?? makes things easy for distributions

66. Evolution search v-folders (even my mum loves and uses them)

67. Beautiful widgets (look & feel, Acceleration, Integration)

67. APIs can be complex. (use it in wrong order and it blows chunks)


69. Beagle.

70. not being a ms windows or OSX clone

71. Dashboard

72. "New updates are available"

73. Good: Cairo. We need to use & hype it. KDE gets arthur & we already have cairo

74. The community is full of fun people and some of them are *good* friends.

75. Window behaviour when dragging across physical displays - automatic maximising and un-maximising

Where to from here?

I (JohnWilliams) have made an intial cut at sorting these comments into categories, but I do not have the "Sucks" data yet. When I have that I will update this page. In the meantime, feel free to categorise things yourself, put please leave the original data (above) in place.


2024-10-23 11:06