Hi All,
I don't know the protocol for notes, but I'm taking what I learned at the i18n and l10n BoF and am updating our wiki with the notes from our Etherpad. The original notes can be found on Etherpad here: https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/BOF_NOTES
Below is a summary of what we talked about and the notes we took. Feel free to add to and edit it.
Thanks for a great intro to the Engagement Team, everyone. GUADEC was awesome!
- Nuritzi
_ HIGH LEVEL SUMMARY We went through the items in the agenda and started to make progress on defining our team goals and our priorities for the next couple of months. Those priorities are: 1) Annual Team Report and 2) upcoming release. Some other things we would like to work on along the way are: 1) social media reform, 2) onboarding process for engagement & GNOME, 3) define a mission statement for both the engagement team and for GNOME, and 4) website update. In the very short-term, we want to celebrate GNOME's birthday in order to promote engagement team goals for 2015. A major take-away is that we are going to try to have more action-oriented team meetings instead of bi-weekly meetings. These meetings will be arranged by the person who needs collaborators, and that person will send an agenda and meeting goals ahead of the meeting. That way, the meetings can be focused and productive. ACTION STEPS: Please read below for more details. @Allan & @Oliver - Annual Report coordinators. Will edit and add the process we talked about during the BoF to the wiki and share with the team. Andreas will help with design support, and others will be asked to participate by Allan and Oliver. ACTION DUE BY Friday, August 21st. @Nuritzi - Will take the lead on understanding and organizing our social media strategy. Will create a list of the social media we are focusing on, current owners, proposed owners and some ideas for how to use. DUE BY Monday, August 24th. @Nuritzi & @Fabiana - Will write the 2nd announcement for GNOME's birthday and post to the website. Nuritzi will help ensure social media is updated for the birthday announcement too. DUE BY Saturday, August 15th. @Sri Will continue to monitor social media and reply. Will focus on google+, reddit, and twitter. Will NOT monitor facebook. ONGOING ******* GUADEC 2015 NOTES August 11, 2015 Attendees: Fabiana, Sri, Allan, Oliver, Nuritzi, Jeff, Sam (1st half) Agenda Onboarding to the Engagement Team & to the rest of GNOME (create a model that can be replicated?) HIGH LEVEL ENGAGEMENT TEAM GOALS ******* TEAM MEETINGS ACTION STEP: Let's have action-oriented meetings when needed instead of bi-weekly meetings. The person who wants to set up a meeting can email the engagement team to set up the meeting. ******* COMMUNICATION CHANNELS (What are all of the ways we are engaging with the GNOME community?) 1) Mailing lists Used for: internal coordination, logged conversations 2) Social media - google+ - Emmanuele & Sri are commenting, Parth is the person posting Used for: release videos 3) Website 4) Meetup.com 5) IRC Used for: internal coordination, real time, unlogged 6) Conference (booths, talks) 7) Gnome Planet / blogs 8) Promotional material / SWAG 9) Media and Enterprise partners 10) Google AdSense / AdWords campaigns (just an idea, not real yet) ACTION STEPS - Approach Parth & Bastian to see if they can co-do google+ - Expectations around roles - @Nuritzi figures out the facebook, twitter and google+, @Oliver - sends Nuritzi the links to facebook, google+ and twitter accounts SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGES ********* ANNUAL REPORT (https://wiki.gnome.org/Engagement/AnnualReport/2013) Audience: contributors, advisory board members (to use internally when requesting funding) Immediate annual report actions - Allan to put the process on the wiki, review the state of existing report, and propose a schedule. - Allan and Oliver to coordinate - touch base with author, recruit editors etc (try to see if Shaun will be the editor!) - Andreas to act as designer. ANNUAL REPORT ACTION FUTURE STEPS/WISHLIST - Get hosts to provide a summary of the event they host (define what is a good example) - Consider adding credits for who wrote which section (author attribution) - Ask contributors to add images for their articles (the more the better! so we can choose), and make sure that license is added! - Sri contributes to the article about trademarks QUESTIONS - How can we measure the annual report's success? We should talk to the executive director about this for "user testing". - Is there a tool available with comment functionality? Might want to explore other ways to help reviewers give feedback to articles. (Consider using Etherpad for contributions and links to the pages?) - Is there a way for the larger GNOME community to contribute? How can we get more content? ********** Overall Engagement Team Action Steps - Engagement team philosophy / mission statement - Get the MVP done by September NOTES ABOUT SCHEDULE
- youtube
GNOME's 20th Anniversary - August 15, 1997
BIRTHDAY UPDATE MESSAGING Update http://www.happybirthdaygnome.orYg/ - 2017 for the 20th anniversary
Title: GNOME Turns 18 this Saturday Body: Join us in celebrating GNOME's birthday this Saturday, August 15th.
This is a great chance to tell the world why you love GNOME, inspire others to give it a try, give back to the community, and just wish GNOME a happy birthday.
Here are some ways that we encourage you to participate in GNOME's birthday:
Post on social media Tell people why you love GNOME or how long you've been using or been a part of GNOME Share our current release video so people know what you're talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxRLa5hTGkg Post the "I am GNOME" badge or "Happy Birthday GNOME" image - or use it as your profile picture. And remember to tag your posts using #HappyBirthdayGnome #IAMGNOME #GNOME2015.
Thank a GNOME contributor If you know someone who contributes to GNOME, send them a thank you. It's always nice to know you're appreciated. You can also adopt a hacker or become a friend of GNOME: https://www.gnome.org/friends/
Show your GNOME gear Wear or show your favorite SWAG, and see if you can get someone to ask you about GNOME. Say hi to others wearing the gear, and meet other GNOMEies!
Let's show the world how we rally, and that we're a great community to be part of.
Happy early birthday, GNOME!
2ND ANNOUNCEMENT When: Saturday morning European time zone Title: Body: _ OTHER / GENERAL IDEAS: Free/Open Source Soical DashBoard? - https://github.com/socioboard/socioboard-core - http://www.predictiveanalyticstoday.com/top-free-social-media-analytics-software/ Call for content on foundation list? Or WebsiteForm? Goals of Social Media: Channel owner: https://wiki.gnome.org/Engagement/Channels Ambassadors Mozilla has a 'reps' program which Oliver was part of: https://reps.mozilla.org/ Fedora has 'ambassadors': https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors Website More blogging in separate streams? For example, Mozilla has https://blog.mozilla.org/ux/ -- a separate blog for UX separate from the main https://blog.mozilla.org/. We have Planet Gnome, with ~28K readers, but it's busy and unfiltered. Digest of Planet Gnome: - Planet is great, but it is loads of content to read. - Sharing key posts e.g. Mattias Clasen's GTK+ updates, Allan Day's design updates. - Nate from LWN asked Sri if we could have a weekly digest they could link to.