Twitter Widget
I plan also a Twitter-Integration in the Shell. Maybe we can work together in this? -- Wutzara 2011-05-06 08:06:17
Relevant Art
MoTwit for PalmOS
Twitter on BlackBerry
Twitter on Android
Twitter on Symbian
Twitter on iPhone
Readitlater Twitter sharing on iPhone
Source for the mockup: twitter-editing-widget.xml
- The "number of characters left" should be shown as an overlay status, like the status in Epiphany when hovering links
- The "shrink URL" should only be shown if the service lacks the ability to shrink the URLs itself (would need to check how many characters it would shrink them down to, or if libsocialweb offers that information)
- The white space between "shrink URLs" and the send button could contain a drop-down menu with checkmarks to tell us whether the message should be sent to more than one provider (this is a last resort for applications that don't offer the option beforehand, so should be disabled by default)
- If the provider doesn't have text size limits, the full URLs should be included (eg. Facebook)
- Text entry should use the Twitter roster to offer completion (eg. typing @should offer completion to most talked to contacts)