Content Transfers
Today, transferring content (Documents, Music, Videos, Apps, VMs, ...) from one app to another is at best clumsy or worst onerous.
William Jon McCann
- Never require the user to use a command line or file manager
- Treat the web as the primary place were information is accessed
- Aim to use references instead of copies whenever possible
- Retain context during transfer
- "Viewing" media links on the web
- Transferring a file type / link from the web to a local app that can handle it. For example:
- Music
- Video
- Document
- Image/Photo
- Application
- OS Image
- Transferring a file type from one app to another that can handle it. For example:
- viewing email attachments
- saving email attachments
- items sent via bluetooth
- items sent via Chat
- taking screenshots
- "Save as PDF" feature
- Uploading to the web
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