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This page and subpages here are a pool of ideas on the ThreePointZero Gnome release page. This proposal is not about technical stuff, but propose a new design of the desktop. Gnome 3.0 is the right release to make deep changes in the way to use the Gnome Desktop. New technologies such as indexing, composition, messaging open doors to other way of working with computer.

A basic idea behind this mockup is that the desktop must allow user to do task as simple as he can do in real life, but the desktop must take care of doing repetitive or painful tasks. We drop the Application model (open an app, then do something) and go toward a document model (take an empty file and do what you want).

Take an office with a desk. We have various tools on the desk to aid our work i.e. pencil, pen, clock, addbk, diary, phone, calc, paint brush, etc. Take this as a paper office and to get work done, we pull a paper then write on it, draw on it, paint on it, etc. When we are done we pile it somewhere or we could fold it and send it as mail. This shows the use of many tools on the same document all combined into 1 task.

In this perspective, we redefine some concept. So take care to well understand how we define thos object. See subpages for each concepts.

Last but not least, remember that's a mockup, a pool of ideas, just more structured than the ToPaZ page.

Table of Contents

2024-10-23 11:00