Alberto Fanjul
Email: <albfan AT SPAMFREE gnome DOT org>
github: albfan
twitter: albfanjul
stackoverflow: albfan
irc: albfan on #c++, #gnome-builder, #newcomers, #bugs, #gnome-music from
Just a developer making his way on GNOME culture.
Love to talk about diffting, vcs, wiki, issue tracker, editor, IDE, debugger and command line.
You can contact me to speed up the learning curve with open source workflows.
Projects involved:
- glade
- java-gnome
IRC is the core of interaction on GNOME. If you miss log on it (disable on purpose) many folks at GNOME uses a bouncer znc irc bouncer. Now bridge is avaliable through riot
- Spanish: native
- English: I do my best