Accessibility Testimonials
1. Introduction
Welcome!! Accessibility is a growing concern in today's high-tech society. There are many people in the world who are affected by different types of disabilities such as blindness, hearing impairment, or impaired motor skills. In order for users with disabilities to effectively and efficiently use their computer systems, assistive technologies are an absolute necessity. Some examples of these technologies include screen readers, screen magnifiers, and on-screen keyboards. This page is not meant to discuss such technologies in detail, but it is rather a place where users who heavily rely on these technologies share their stories about how the development and implementation of said technologies have improved their lives and have made them productive in an electronic environment. It is vital that these technologies continue to be developed and maintained as many users completely depend on them! This page will allow these users to share their voice concerning how these assistive technologies have helped them to be more productive in a computing environment.
The testimonials which populate this page:
- are provided by users who have benefited from free and open source assistive technologies
- are provided in order to show appreciation of accessibility-related software
- are a demonstration of how important these technologies are, and of how important the continued development and improvement of these technologies is
- are provided freely by said users